The People Behind Puck’s

The creation of PUCK’S was masterminded by an elite group of beverage veterans who excel at the different skills and understand the challenges that it takes to formulate, design and market any new brand. As our mythical name suggests, we’d rather not be recognized individually for our past achievements, but be viewed as an unselfish team driven by passion for our common interest. We chose the name PUCK’S, a character in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Puck was the mythical, mischievous and quick-witted sprite
who, with his magical fancy and fun-loving humor, causes deliberate pranks. We believe
these traits match the spirit of the PUCK’S brand and the personality of our company,
hence the name. And as Puck would have it – there’s more to this story –
but you have to stay tuned…… or hear it through the grapevine……………